Partnering with owners, builders and naval architects to deliver marine electrical engineering services, emission reducing engineered solutions and advanced power and propulsion design.

Who we help.

Converting to electric power can reduce your vessel's fuel usage and emissions. Find how much you can save.

Vessel Owners

Navigate the balance between immediate financial viability and sustainability upgrades for your vessels.

CANAL’s marine experience helps owner’s reduce operating costs and make the move to more sustainable fleets.

Ship Builders/Repairers

Marine electrical engineering expertise to supplement existing in-house resources, deliver dependable systems integration and help avoid expensive delays during the ship production phase.

Manage the systems integration needs of your next ship build with CANAL's marine electrical engineering resources.

Naval Architects

Naval architects partner with CANAL for sophisticated engineered solutions to optimize power performance and systems interoperability.

Marine engineered solutions to meet your vessel power and propulsion systems design requirements.